Hubbard & Hubbard Diversity ROI Members Online Access

Code: HHDROIMembersOnly
Price: $59.00
Quantity in Basket: None

You Receive All of these MEMBER Benefits for the Low Price of only $59/year (approximately $5/month). A tremendous value and savings!

Hubbard & Hubbard, Inc. provides organizations with a Public and Membership based Skill-Building site that provides awareness and training regarding:

***Diversity ROI Theory and Application
***DROI Analysis Process Training
***DROI Assessment tools
***DROI Analytics
***DROI Critical Success Factors and Metrics
***Automated Online Analysis Tools
***Benchmark Case Studies
***DROI Online Learning and Training Modules
***and much, much more...

to effectively demonstrate Diversity's Cost-Benefit and value-added to the organization.

Basic Membership:

As a Annual Registered Basic Member, you receive:

24/7 Online Warehouse of:

***Over 300 Diversity Measurement and Productivity Measures and formulas you can use immediately
***Step-by-Step DROI Measurement Worksheets
***Step-by-Step DROI Analytics Templates
***Downloadable, Featured Measurement and Productivity Articles
***Easy to Use DROI Analytic Tools
***Easy to Use Online Diversity ROI Measurement Calculators
***Online Learning "On-Demand" Classes you can take
***And Much, Much More...

Your Membership also includes...
  • Diversity ROI Case Studies for Member Application, Reference and Use
  • A "Members Only" Webinar-based Measurement and Productivity Applications Clinic

A Wide Range of Metrics Galleries with Hundreds of Measures in each such as the:
***Leadership and Workforce Metrics Gallery
***Workforce Competency Metrics Gallery
***Workforce Cultural Audit Measures Gallery
***Workforce Success Measures Gallery
***Diversity & Organizational Performance Metrics Gallery

Also an Annual Member Diversity ROI Needs Assement Tool which will help you determine:

***The state of their diversity change process implementation
***Organizational Progress against Goals and assessing the ROI impact of their Diversity & Inclusion initiatives
***Council Plans, BRG/ERG, Scorecard Impact, Workplace Culture and Climate Analysis, etc.
***A 'Tool and Skill-based' Webinar which helps you learn "How to create a Baseline Audit of the Organization"
***Periodic Surprise "Bonus Sessions" with cutting edge Diversity, Equity and Inclusion content

Basic Membership: You Receive All of these Benefits for the Low Price of only $59/year (approximately $5/month). A tremendous value and savings!


Sign-up today by ADDING this Basic Memmbership Plan to Your Basket and enjoy these Benefits immediately!

P.S. also Check Out Our Advanced Memeber Level Benefits located in this section of the DiversitySuperstore.
